As a locally and independently owned company, we are part of your community. We understand the needs of our customers. As your partner, we guide you through every step of the transaction with transparency and professionalism. Northern NJ Title's thorough title searches, title clearance and title insurance policies help to produce clear property titles and enable the efficient transfer of real estate.
Our team will close your transaction smoothly and quickly with single-point responsibility and accountability regardless of property location, number of properties or number of participants.
Title insurance is so much more than just a one-time line item during the closing of your next property. It is assuring that your rights to your investments remain yours today, tomorrow, and for your heirs deep into the future.
Get in touch with us. Our friendly staff is always here to answer all your questions.
We make your life a lot easier, whether you’re on the go or in the office. Our FREE app allows you access to Title Quotes, Seller Net Sheets, Loan Estimates and much more.